Mitch is director and founder of Electroplex. With of 18 years experience he has managed and delivered some of the highest and most complex contruction and commercial jobs in the industry.

Mitch adopts a hands-on approach to each project and is involved at all stages from negotiations through to handover and complation.

Mitch holds the below qualifications

321309C Electrical licence

235898C Contractor licence Working at heights cert Cabling Open Registration Licence

ICTWHS204 Coax certificate

CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry

ICTCBL236 Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling:

ICTCBL237ACMA Restricted Rule Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling:

ACMA Open Rule

ICTTEN201 Use electrical skills in telecommunications work Use hand and power tools

ICTTEN202 Follow work health and safety and environmental policy and procedures